Different Types Of Dream Catchers
- Different Kinds Of Dream Catchers
- Dream Catcher Instructions To Print
- Different Types Of Dream Catchers And Their Meanings
- Dream Catchers For Sale
- Different Types Of Dream Catcher Weaves

Dream catchers are webbed and beaded circles hung with feathers from the base of the circle. As one might suspect, the purpose of a dream catcher is to catch dreams—that is, to trap bad or evil dreams and channel good dreams to the sleeper. Dream catchers are usually placed in a window or above the bed, allowing the good dreams to drip down.
Knowing the background of dream catchers and their talisman-like use, many Christians want nothing to do with them. Is such concern warranted? A passage in 1 Corinthians 8 may be helpful. Paul is speaking to Christians living in an extremely pagan culture ruled by superstition, magic, and sacrifices, all done in the name of various idols. The sacrifices were a particular concern, for the meat sacrificed was then sold at market. Some Christians felt eating sacrificed meat was endorsing the sacrifice and therefore inappropriate for a Christian; others believed that, since they were not worshiping the idol themselves, it was not wrong.

The Christian understands that false gods are nothing and that a dream catcher has no power in itself. The believer in Christ could easily see a dream catcher as nothing more than a craft or a cultural expression. However, before he buys a dream catcher and hangs it in the window, he should consider other people’s reactions to it. Will others see it as a charm to manipulate the spirit world? Will someone assume the one in possession of a dream catcher approves of Indian religions? Keeping a dream catcher is a matter of conscience; as long as it is not used as a good luck charm, it is innocent enough. But consideration must be given to those we seek to minister to.
Different Kinds Of Dream Catchers

- Two very different styles of crochet dream catchers by The Cosmic Crafter. The rainbow yarn tassels are inspiring, but I also love the mixed media green circle with a tree in the center. Of course, this is not a traditional dream catcher since it is open but it is a great art piece derived from that inspiration.
- How the Dream Catcher is made: Using a hoop of willow, and decorating it with findings, bits and pieces of everyday life, (feathers, arrow heads, beads, etc) the dream catcher is believed to have the power to catch all of a person’s dreams, trapping the bad ones, and letting only the good dreams pass through the dream catcher.
- Apr 10, 2020 There are different types of dream catchers. Every dream catcher has a hole in its center. The bad dreams get caught in the web in the center while the good dreams flow down the feathers to the person on which it is hanged. There are many theories for dream catchers.
Dream Catcher Instructions To Print
The Dream Catcher has been used for many, many years and is best known as a way to catch the bad dreams you have and keep them from entering your daily thoughts. Some still believe this and use the dream catchers for such, and others just love the look of them as a décor piece. Nonetheless, if you like them either way, we have 7 different tutorials for you to make a beautiful dream catcher.
1- Shells & Beads Dream Catcher from February Sky Designs
2- Scraps Scraps Everywhere from Pattern Revolution
3- Amethyst Dream Catcher from Rhiannon Stone
Different Types Of Dream Catchers And Their Meanings
4- DIY Dream Catcher Tutorial from Arts and Classy
5- Macrame Dream Catcher from A Pair & A Spare
Dream Catchers For Sale
6- Modern Dream Catcher from Crafts & DIY
7- How To Make A Dream Catcher from Only Passionate Curiosity